– Generation gap = huge
– Rich & poor gap = huge
– Employed & unemployed gap = huge
✔ The same way
– Skilled & unskilled gap = huge
– Patience & impatience gap = huge
– Guidance & support gap = huge
– Salary & wages gap = huge
👉 It’s not the hour; it’s the required skill, the right mindset and strong character that most don’t have. Ethical and moral values are lacking heavily. Shortcuts and quick success destroying careers.
👉 Add hours and brains for upskilling youth. Invest in upskilling humans instead of betting all your money and time on bots. Richer getting richer and poor getting poor shows the hypocrisy of governments, and endless layoffs show the dual standards and selfishness of businesses.
✔ Similarly, from the employee side, challenges are dual. Heavy taxes, competitive markets, pathetic government support, tough commitments to survive and grow, and huge financial or market share differences between small, medium, and large businesses.
On the other side, hiring the right talent, paying right, managing right, fulfilling financial expectations and skills, chasing profits, remaining ethical, handling emotional aspects of teams, being unable to say no when most needed, etc.
♻ Remember, true progress isn’t measured by the size of the gap but by our collective effort to bridge it.
In a world defined by disparities, our commitment to values, genuine intent, ethics, and the development of human potential is the key to reshaping the future.